Identifying All Java JAR Files in your Pega Platform Instance
If you're like me you might have some technical interest in learning which JAR files are shipped with your Pega Platform instance. Normally using JAR files directly in a Java activity is not required by Pega, but there may be times. I recently had a need to do PDF form filling and learned that the PDFBox JAR api was available as part of the Pega Platform instance. I had not been aware until a colleague shared this information with me. So I ran the SQL queries below against my Page PostgreSQL database to take a look at which JAR files were part of my 8.5.1 Pega Platform instance. Select Sorted List of All Pega Jar Files select distinct pzjar from pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%%'order by pzjar Select Sorted List of All Pega Jar Files that contain: pdfbox in the name select distinct pzjar from pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%pdfbox%'order by pzjar Have fun and let me know which JAR files you use often from your Pega instances.